Thursday, December 3, 2009

Deck the Halls

There's something wonderfully nostalgic and grand about cutting down your own Christmas tree and lugging it home to decorate, especially for us city-folk! Our tree is up and making spirits bright inside and out with it's lights and ribbon beaming into our living room and onto the Chicago streets.

This sucker is drinking up water like no one's business, so I hope we can keep it alive through the season. Fraser Firs are becoming our staple family tree that I think we've committed to as long as we both shall live. They smell delish, have soft needles that hardly shed, and look like they are right out of a picture book.

When my sweet dog Molly was still alive, she would honestly stare at the tree when its lights were on for minutes on end. We like to think she was contemplating the meaning of Christmas, but I can't be certain. I'll definitely be staring at this one a lot this December.


MountainJessie said...

I bought a Fraser Fir this year too. In Fraser, CO. It was surreal. :)

RosaMaría said...

i like the smell around the house from a chritsmas tree!

~ The Jolly Bee ~ said...

What a nice blog you have....I was just perusing and enjoying your postings. Did you give away all your Amish starter? It made its rounds in my neck of the woods last summer. It really is good, but you need lots of friends to pass it along to! And keep watering that tree. Keeping the heat turned down will help too.

Lindahl News 2 said...

Your little sneak peaks at your tree and decorations are truly delicious!

Jakob said...

We got a Noble Fir this year. It is lovely. But it is not drinking as it should...

Amy and Andrew said...


amylouwhosews said...

Gorgeous! We cute down a tree last week too. I need to finish getting the lights on though, and the ornaments. And really just clean my house. :)

Colleen MacDonald said...

Lovely. I will miss my dog this Christmas, too.

Tonya said...

That does look wonderful! Last year my daughter's spent so much time just staring at the lights on the tree, for two little kids who don't often stay still for very long that is saying a lot. It was heartwarming. I can't wait to get our tree up this year.

Unknown said...

So pretty! I can't wait to come out and stare at it for awhile! I have my Christmas music ringing through the house.

N.S.K.&E. said...

It's beautiful. Wish I could see it in person! I can't wait until I join the ranks of adulthood and get a real Christmas tree. Not quite yet.

Kelly said...

Very pretty! My boy beagle sits and stares at the Christmas tree. I recall the first year we had him at Christmas time I was very amused at his fascination with the tree.

I just caught up on your blog posts after taking a 2-month-long-no-internet-thing. Congratulations on your imminent family expansion (and the hip new couch).

Kelly said...
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lauradodson said...

where'd the tiny menorah come from?

Sarah said...

Laura, it's actually just a holiady candelabra from can see it here.