March is Women's History Month, and even though we are more than half way into it, I would like to suggest a few general resources that will be of help in your quest to learn more about some of the brave souls who have lived before us.
Some Links:
National Women's History Museum
Women's History Month - The History Channel
Pathfinder for Women's History - National Archives
National Women's History Project
300 Women Who Have Changed the World - BritannicaOne of my favorite scenes in the movie Mary Poppins is when Mrs. Banks and the maids do a little song and dance dressed in their "Votes for Women" sashes. They march around the living room rallying to their cause, only to hide all of their banners as soon as the man of the house returns from his hard day at work. Here are the lyrics I have always found wonderfully amusing.
And dauntless crusaders for woman's votes
Though we adore men individually
We'd agree that as a group they're rather stupid.
Cast off the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sing in grateful chorus
"Well done, Sister Suffragette!"
From Kensington to Billingsgate
One hears the restless cries!
From every corner of the land:
"Womankind, arise!"
Political equality and equal rights with men!
Take heart! For Missus Pankhurst
has been clapped in irons again!
No more the meek and mild subservients we!
We're fighting for our rights, militantly!
Never you fear!
So, cast of the shackles of yesterday!
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!
Our daughters' daughters will adore us
And they'll sing in grateful chorus
"Well done! Well done!
Well done, Sister Suffragette!"
what a great post, sarah. i love that you utilize your blog to promote education and awareness on important issues. you're going to be such a great librarian!
sarah i think you would really enjoy the movie 'iron jawed angels.' it recounts the story of alice paul in the 20's. i highly recommend it, especially this month.
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